GFC: Grown Folk Conversations
GFC: Grown Folk Conversations
GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

Stories About Women

35 stories

A close-up of a person’s hand shows the skin details clearly, and there are several red marks or blemishes visible on the back of the hand. The skin texture is wrinkled, and the photograph captures various skin tones and lines, suggesting a mature age for the individual.
GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

Great Stories

42 stories

A close-up of a person’s hand shows the skin details clearly, and there are several red marks or blemishes visible on the back of the hand. The skin texture is wrinkled, and the photograph captures various skin tones and lines, suggesting a mature age for the individual.
A lifebuoy hanging on a wall.
GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

Interesting stories

1 story

GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

GFC: Grown Folk Conversations

We observe life through the lens of experience and intersectionality. We reflect, share, and welcome dialogue. Let the laughter, learning & healing begin!